A Little Angel's Song

Standing upon a rainbow
Resting upon a moon
Soaring up above a cloud
Sitting in her room

Mixing fun with pleasure
Laughing all day long
It's known God enjoys her
As she sings her song

"Once upon a wonderous time
I did come to pass
Into God's sweet heaven
Here to play on grass

Mom and dad they miss me
Gramma too I'm sure
Wish that I could hug them
Give them love that's pure

For I left too sudden
Couldn't say good bye
I watch down upon them
Playing in the sky

Always count your blessings
Always know I'm near
Hugs n kisses keep you warm
Please heed what you hear

Simple is my pleasure
Simple is my fun
Simple is my love for you
And now my song is sung"

Picture by Sandra Kuck