Some think we're the lowest
In all of the school,
But as plainly is seen,
We're nobody's fool.

We're upgrading students
In search of a trade,
We work long and hard
To achieve a good grade.

We communicate writing
And speaking with "Ley"
[She hopes she can pass us
Before she goes gray].

There's "Jebb" and that's "Ashton"
And look! - Here comes "Dwyer"
To communicate - help us!
We're stuck in the 'my-er'

There's "Mike" and there's "Mike"!
A really good duo
In science they'll help ya
If you'll attend scho-ool!

And let's not forget
"Veitch" or "Thorup" by golly.
A 'slip-up' in science,
To them is a folly.

We're higher! Not "Lower"!
The math students scream,
At "Pollen" and friend who
Stamp cards in a stream

Yes we're upgrading students ...
For goodness sake!
We have to get going ...
It's time for a break!

Upgrading Students
Background created with Homestead